Puppets in Paradise is a 30-minute improv-infused travel comedy show starring Hans, a snarky German puppet, and Jenni, his dysfunctional human co-star. Together, they run from their problems and towards exciting travel destinations. They explore a new city each week through man on the street interviews and sampling local food and nightlife, all while wrestling with non-stop puppet drama in this semi-scripted romp. This pilot episode takes them to Philadelphia where Hans and Jenni sample the local brew-pub scene, checkout the ladies of the Philly Roller Derby, and catch The Dead Milkmen live in concert.
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Meet the cast
Meet the team
Brian P. Duss
Show creator, writer, director…puppet master.
Brian P. Duss is a writer and producer based in Washington, D.C. For almost two decades Brian has been creating images and video content for non-profits like World Vision, Bread for the World, and Sojourners.
Jonny Meyer
Director of photography.
Jonny Meyer is a commercial photographer and cinematographer based in New York City. Jonny is also a FAA licensed aerial photographer.